The brains of musicians are different from others
The scientists studied the brain function when listening to music and were amazed at the amount of brain areas that were stimulated.
But when they studied the brains of those who dedicate themselves to interpret and play an instrument they realized the amazingly quick amount of information processing that perform complex sequences.
Although research is relatively new neuroscientists discovered that playing an instrument involves almost all areas of the brain at once.
El cerebro de los músicos es diferente a los demás
Pero cuando estudiaron el cerebro de
aquellos que se dedican a interpretar y tocar algún instrumento se
dieron cuenta la cantidad asombrosamente rápida de procesamiento de
información en secuencias complejas que realizan.
Aunque la investigación es relativamente
nueva los neurocientíficos descubrieron que tocar un instrumento
involucra casi todas las áreas del cerebro a la vez .
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