Se abre el plazo para inscribirse en el CAEO
abierto el plazo de inscripción para el Curso Avanzado de
Especialización Orquestal (CAEO) 2014-2015. Se impartirá en la Escuela
de Altos Estudios Musicales y está reconocido como título propio de
postgrado por la Universidad de Santiago. Se dirige a músicos
instrumentistas con titulación superior que tengan como meta adquirir la
formación y la experiencia necesarias para integrarse en una orquesta
El curso dura un año académico, desde el 1 de
octubre de 2014 hasta el 30 de junio de 2015. Las solicitudes para
inscribirse en el mismo deberán presentarse hasta el 24 de mayo a través de la página web de la Escuela -inscripción-.
Todos los alumnos dispondrán de una beca por una
cantidad de 300 euros al mes. Y, como alumnos de pleno derecho de la
Universidad de Santiago, tendrán posibilidad de alojamiento en la
Residencia Universitaria del Burgo de las Naciones, situada a 180 metros
de la Escuela.
Este curso de postgrado ofrece a los futuros
músicos la oportunidad de formarse con la Real Filharmonía de Galicia,
ya que los maestros de la Escuela son músicos de la RFG. Y cada alumno
participará en un mínimo de siete conciertos con la orquesta. Además,
recibirán clases individuales de especialización instrumental, de música
de cámara, clases teóricas, magistrales y cursos impartidos por
profesorado del centro o invitado de la Escuela. También participarán en
conciertos públicos dentro de la programación “La Escuela en la
Los aspirantes tendrán que mostrar sus habilidades en una audición
La Escuela ofrece 18 plazas en las diferentes
especialidades: 6 para violín, 2 para viola, 2 para violonchelo y 1 para
contrabajo, oboe, flauta, clarinete, fagot, trompa, trompeta y
percusión. Junto con la documentación, los aspirantes deberán presentar
un video en el que se muestre la interpretación de las obras requeridas.
Los preseleccionados realizarán una prueba final, que consistirá en una
audición en la que los candidatos tendrán que mostrar sus habilidades
técnico-interpretativas delante de un jurado.
It is open enrollment period for the Advanced Specialization Course Orchestral ( CAEO ) 2014-2015 . He taught at the School for Advanced Musical Studies and is recognized as a degree graduate from the University of Santiago. It addresses instrumentalists with university degrees who have a goal to acquire the training and experience to join a professional orchestra experience.
The course lasts one academic year , from October 1, 2014 until June 30, 2015 . Applications to register for the same must be submitted by May 24 through the website of the School -registration .
All students will have a scholarship in the amount of 300 euros per month. And, as students in good standing of the University of Santiago , will have a chance to stay in the University Residence del Burgo Nations, located 180 meters from the school.
This graduate course offers prospective musicians the opportunity to train with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra of Galicia, as teachers of the school are musicians RFG . And each student will participate in a minimum of seven concerts with the orchestra. They will also receive individual instrumental specialization classes , chamber music , theory, lectures and courses given by faculty or guest Center School classes. They will also participate in a public concert in programming "School in the city."
Applicants will have to show their skills at an audition
The School offers 18 beds in different specialties : 6 for violin , 2 viola , 2 for 1 for cello and double bass , oboe , flute , clarinet, bassoon, horn , trumpet and percussion. Along with the documentation , applicants must submit a video in which the interpretation of the works required to be displayed. Shortlisted conducted one final test , which will be a hearing in which the applicant will have to show their technical and interpretive skills in front of a jury.
It is open enrollment period for the Advanced Specialization Course Orchestral ( CAEO ) 2014-2015 . He taught at the School for Advanced Musical Studies and is recognized as a degree graduate from the University of Santiago. It addresses instrumentalists with university degrees who have a goal to acquire the training and experience to join a professional orchestra experience.
The course lasts one academic year , from October 1, 2014 until June 30, 2015 . Applications to register for the same must be submitted by May 24 through the website of the School -registration .
All students will have a scholarship in the amount of 300 euros per month. And, as students in good standing of the University of Santiago , will have a chance to stay in the University Residence del Burgo Nations, located 180 meters from the school.
This graduate course offers prospective musicians the opportunity to train with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra of Galicia, as teachers of the school are musicians RFG . And each student will participate in a minimum of seven concerts with the orchestra. They will also receive individual instrumental specialization classes , chamber music , theory, lectures and courses given by faculty or guest Center School classes. They will also participate in a public concert in programming "School in the city."
Applicants will have to show their skills at an audition
The School offers 18 beds in different specialties : 6 for violin , 2 viola , 2 for 1 for cello and double bass , oboe , flute , clarinet, bassoon, horn , trumpet and percussion. Along with the documentation , applicants must submit a video in which the interpretation of the works required to be displayed. Shortlisted conducted one final test , which will be a hearing in which the applicant will have to show their technical and interpretive skills in front of a jury.
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