Samstag, 29. Oktober 2016
Samstag, 27. August 2016
Orquesta Filarmónica de La Mancha convoca el "III CONCURSO
Viento Madera y Metal), a celebrar el 4 y 5 de noviembre. Esta edición,
además de los 3 primeros premios habituales, añadimos un premio el menor
de 18 años, al mejor intérprete castellano-manchego y un premio del
Bases e inscripción: wp-content/uploads/2016/08/ bases-III-concurso.pdf
Bases e inscripción:
Sonntag, 7. August 2016
Composition, Piano, Harp, Mandolin, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Flute, Percussion
Academic Year 2016-2017
Via Gasparo da Salò 13
Brescia - Italy
Students of Talent Music Master Courses are offered teaching by world famous musicians and valuable opportunities for performance.
COMPOSITION: Luca Antignani
Dmitri Alexeev, Michel Beroff, Fabio Bidini, Andrea Bonatta, Akiko Ebi,
Andreas Frölich, Bernd Goetzke, Anna Malikova, Jan Jiracek von Arnim,
Oleg Marshev, Piotr Paleczny, Claudius Tanski, Dina Yoffe, Arie Vardi
Harp: Gabriella Dall’Olio, Catherine Michel, Fabrice Pierre, Irina Zingg
MANDOLIN: Vincent Beer-Demander
Violin: David Lefevre, Paul Roczek, Michael Vaiman;
Viola: Hans Joachim Greiner, Hartmut Rohde, Pierre-Henri Xuereb
CELLO: Lluis Claret
DOUBLE BASS: Libero Lanzilotta
FLUTE: Julien Beaudiment
PERCUSSION: Bogdan Bacanu
in collaboration with the Conservatory of Music “Lucio Campiani” of
Mantova, it is reserved to young talented students. The interested
students have to apply just at Talent Music Master Courses Academy. The
Italian Ministry of Education divided the pre-university music education
in three different levels with different duration each. Each level has
different programs to be prepared year by year with final exam. The
final exam will be placed at the academy auditorium with 4 jury members,
2 from the Conservatory of Mantova and 2 from Talent Music Master
Courses. The successful students will receive an official certification.
in collaboration with the Conservatory of Music “Lucio Campiani” of
Mantova. It is divided in three years of studying. The interested
students to get an official Bachelor Degree in Music Performance have to
apply to both institutions, Talent Music Master Courses and
Conservatory of Mantova.
Conservatory of Mantova will recognize the instrument lessons that the
students attend at our academy with the chosen international professor.
During the academic year the academy will organize seminars and chamber
music projects. Students who will attend the mentioned seminars and
projects can have the opportunity to have a reduction of the hours of
the following subjects at the Conservatory of Mantova: "Pianoforte e
Orchestra", "Lettura Estemporanea" and "Metodologia dell'insegnamento
in collaboration with the Conservatory of Music “Lucio Campiani” of
Mantova. It is divided in two years of studying. The interested students
to get an official Master Degree in Music Performance have to apply to
both institutions, Talent Music Master Courses and Conservatory of
Conservatory of Mantova will recognize the instrument lessons that the
students attend at our academy with the chosen international professor.
the academic year the academy will organize seminars and chamber music
projects. Students who will attend the mentioned seminars and projects
can have the opportunity to have a reduction of the hours of the
following subjects at the Conservatory of Mantova: "Pianoforte e
Orchestra", "Lettura Estemporanea" and "Metodologia dell'insegnamento
talented musicians with no age limit interested to follow an individual
studying plan with the chosen international professor. The interested
students have to apply just at Talent Music Master Courses Academy. It
consists in one year program that can be extended year by year.
October 2016 - June 2017
“Talent Music Master Concerts” is
a concert season organized in the historical city of Brescia and
reserved to the best students of the academY. They will have the
opportunity to play in more than 30 concerts during the academic year.
If you are interested in this special opportunity, please visit our web-site www<dot>talentmusicmasters< dot>it
and apply within September 20, 2016. Each class has a limited number of
places and we would appreciate a video clip or a Youtube link attached
to your application as audition. The applications will be accepted until
positions are filled.
can be easily reached by train or by plain and is connected by shuttle
with the airports of Verona, Bergamo Orio al Serio, Milano Linate and
Milano Malpensa.
With best regards,
Talent Music School - Master Courses
www<dot>talentmusicmasters< dot>it
Montag, 27. Juni 2016
Concorso Rai per professori d'orchestra: requisiti e domanda per luglio-settembre 2016
La Rai ha diramato i nuovi concorsi per professori d'orchestra: si ricercano profili con il ruolo di bassotuba, violoncello e corno basso.
Condividi questa news e guadagna. Diventa un Social Blaster!
Dopo avervi segnalato il lavoro e casting per figuranti,
modelli/e, attori, tecnici ICT per conto della Rai e Mediaset, andiamo
avanti con il nostro servizio online con ulteriori aggiornamenti in tale
settore. Vi comunichiamo che ancora una volta la Radiotelevisione Italiana S.p.A. ha dato il via a nuovi concorsi pubblici per professori d'orchestra da introdurre nella sede di lavoro di Torino in Piemonte. Ma entriamo nei dettagli e scopriamo quali sono i requisiti richiesti, che tipologia di contratto viene stipulato, come presentare la propria candidatura e la data di scadenza.
La Radiotelevisione Italiana ha diramato un concorso per selezionare 1 professore d'orchestra che ricopra la parte di 2° Violoncello con obbligo fila e sostituzione 1° tramite la Direzione Rai Cultura Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale. Alla risorsa viene stipulato un contratto di lavoro subordinato a tempo indeterminato. I potenziali partecipanti per presentare la candidatura hanno tempo sino a venerdì 29 luglio 2016.
La Rai ha indetto un concorso, per l'assunzione di 2 professori d'orchestra
da inserire con un contratto di lavoro subordinato a tempo
indeterminato mediante la Direzione Rai Cultura Orchestra Sinfonica
Nazionale in funzione di Corno basso (un 2° corno con
obbligo 4° e fila; un 4° corno con obbligo 2° e fila). La scadenza di
tale bando avviene venerdì 9 settembre 2016.
Per ottenere altre informazioni e aggiornamenti sui concorsi pubblici in atto nel 2016 è importante effettuare un click sul pulsante 'Segui' in alto a destra, attiguo al nome dell'autore.
Posizioni aperte per professori d'orchestra
La Rai ha promosso un concorso per l'inserimento a tempo indeterminato con contratto di lavoro subordinato di 1 professore d'orchestra con l'incarico di Bassotuba presso la Direzione Rai Cultura Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale. Il termine per inviare la domanda di ammissione alla selezione è venerdì 8 luglio 2016.La Radiotelevisione Italiana ha diramato un concorso per selezionare 1 professore d'orchestra che ricopra la parte di 2° Violoncello con obbligo fila e sostituzione 1° tramite la Direzione Rai Cultura Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale. Alla risorsa viene stipulato un contratto di lavoro subordinato a tempo indeterminato. I potenziali partecipanti per presentare la candidatura hanno tempo sino a venerdì 29 luglio 2016.
Requisiti e domanda di ammissione
Ma diamo un'occhiata ai requisiti necessari per partecipare a tutte e tre le selezioni:-
essere maggiorenni;
avere l'attestato d'istruzione superiore dello strumento per il quale
si aderisce, acquisito tramite il Conservatorio di Stato o Scuola
Musicale pareggiata o diploma accademico di II livello;
avere la cittadinanza europea.
Per ottenere altre informazioni e aggiornamenti sui concorsi pubblici in atto nel 2016 è importante effettuare un click sul pulsante 'Segui' in alto a destra, attiguo al nome dell'autore.
Montag, 6. Juni 2016
My pianistic training / Meine pianistischen Ausbildung / Ma formation pianistique / Mi formación pianística / La mia formazione pianistica

I, started my studies in music very early ( 3 years old) and was taught by my father, Dr. in Musicology and Pedagogy, graduate at the University of Freiburg, Germany/ Ich begann mein Studium der Musik sehr früh (3 Jahre alt) und wurde von meinem Vater, Dr. in Musikwissenschaft und Pädagogik gelehrt, Absolvent an der Universität Freiburg, Deutschland, / Je commencé mes études dans la musique très tôt (3 ans) et a été enseigné par mon père, le docteur en musicologie et pédagogie, Diplômé de l'Université de Fribourg, en Allemagne/ Io, iniziato i miei studi musicali molto presto (3 anni) ed è stato insegnato da mio padre, il Dr. in Musicologia e Pedagogia, laureato presso l'Università di Friburgo, Germania. / Yo comencé mis estudios de piano muy temprano ( 3 años de edad) bajo la tutela de mi padre, Dr. en Musicología y Pedagogía, graduado en la Universidad de Freiburg, Alemania
The program for technical and virtuous preparation has been based programs teachings of various of European music schools as German ,Russian,Hungarian, Polish, French / le programme de préparation technique et vertueuse a été basée programmes enseignements de diverses écoles de musique européenne comme la technique russe ,allemand, hongrois, polonais, français. / Il programma per la preparazione tecnica e virtuoso si è basata programmi insegnamenti delle varie scuole di musica europea come tecnica russo ,tedesco, ungherese, polacco, francese. / Das Programm für technische und Tugendhaftigkeit Vorbereitung hat Lehren der verschiedenen Schulen der europäischen Musik basierte wurden als Russische Technik Ungarisch, Polnisch, Französisch and Deutsche. / El programa para la preparación técnica y virtuosa del piano ha sido basada en los programas de enseñanza de diversas escuelas de música europeas como, la técnica rusa, hungara, polaca, francesa y alemana
The program structure is based on 5 parts / Die Programmstruktur basiert auf 5 Teile / La structure du programme est basée sur 5 parties / La struttura del programma si basa su 5 parti / La estructura del programa está basado en 5 partes:
Part 1.-
Studies and exercises / Studien und Übungen / Des études et des exercices / Studi ed esercizi / Estudios y ejercicios:
-- pieces of folklore of any nation, exercises elementary school: Jelena Gnessina, Alexandr Gedeke, Marta Morhange, Herne Czöbek, Alexei Nikolaiev Nikolayev, Maria Fantoné (Zongora Iskola)etc.
Exercises for the technical pianistica:
C. Hanon ( the virtuous pianist)
Carl Czerny-Germer (Vol I, II299, 337, 740)
Wasily Safonoff ( news formulate for the 5 fingers)
Josef Pischna ( 60 daily exercises, Technical studies, sixty progressive exercises for the piano)
Carl Tausig( daily exercises)
Alfred Cortot( Principes rationnels de la technique pianistique)
Rafael Joseffy ( First studies for the piano)
Johannes Brahms ( 51 exercises)
C.Gurlitt (pieces and studies: The easiest studies in velocity Op. 83 / 20 studies in Rhythm and expression Op. 52. / TäglicheStudien Op 91)
Beyer ( reading at first sight)
Part 2.-
B.Bartok ( Mokrokosmo)
A. Goldenweiser ( pieces for children)
W.A. Mozart ( petites minuets)
M. Clementi ( Sonatinas)
G. F. Händel
G. P. Telemann
Part 3.-
Bach: little preludes, Canons, Toccatas and Fugues, Das wohltemperierte Klavier I and II, English and French Suites, Partites,
Ana Magdalena Bach: Notenbüchlein
Alexandr Goldenweiser: Polyphonic Sonatina, Op.33 /15 Fughettas, Op.16
J. S. Bach: Inventions, Sinfonies, Toccatas and Fugue
J. Brahms: The 4 Symphonies for piano solo
Part 4.-
Bigger Form ( Sonatinas, Sonatas, Transcriptions,)
J.P. RAMEAU: Gavotte
J.S. BACH: Partiten Nr.1, Nr.2., Nr. 4, Nr. 6 Suite French Nr. 3, Nr. V
Präludium & Fuge Book I and II Partiten: Nr. 1,2, 4, 5, 6
Italienisches Konzert
FERRUCCIO BUSONIi: Präludium und Fuge D - dur
Chaconne, Fantasia da Camera super Carmen, KiV 284
Toccata KiV 287, Le Quattro Stagioni op 40
ALEXANDER SILOTI: Piano Transcriptions
W. KEMPF: Piano Transcriptions
D. SCARLATTI: 380 Sonaten
J. HAYDN: Sonaten Hob: 23, 27, 33, 35, 34, 37, 49, 50, 52
W. A. MOZART: Sonaten KV.: 281, 282, 330, 570, 576, Adagio KV. 540
L. van BEETHOVEN: Sonaten: op 2 Nr. 3, op 10 Nr. 3, op 13, op 31 Nr. 1,
op 31 Nr. 2, op 31 Nr. 3, op 53, op 57, op 81a, op 109, op 110, op 111 Rondo op 51 Nr. 1
F. CHOPIN: 50 Mazurken, Präludium op 45,Barcarolle op 60
Polonaise op 26 Nr.1, op 53, op 61, 4 Ballades, 4 Scherzis,
Variationen op posth, Sonate op 58
J. BRAHMS: Klavierstücke op 118, 116, 119
Klaviersonaten: No 1 op. Op. 2 No.2, Op 3 No.5
Händel-Variationen op 24, Paganini-Variationen op 35
R. SCHUMANN: Novellette op 21 Nr. 1, Kinderszenen op 15, Papillon op 2
Blumenstück op 19, Arabeske op 18,Kreisleriana op 16, Davidsbündlertänze op 6
Fantasiestücke op 12, Klaviersonate op 11 ,Carnaval op 9
F. LISZT: Rhapsodie Nr. 6, Funérailles
Années de Pélerinage, première Année - Suisse, Deixième Année - Italie,
Troisième Année, Rigoletto-Paraphrase aus Verdi, Opern-Transkriptionen...
Hungarian Rhapsodies, Klaviersonate h - moll, Totentanz
E. GRIEG: Klaviersonate op. 7, Suite Holberg op. 40
Hochzeitstag auf Troldhaugen Nr. 53, Notturno Nr. 33
R. WAGNER: Ouvertüre Tanhäuser, Isolde Liebestod
B. BARTÓK: Allegro Barbaro
Sonate for two piano and percussion
S. PROKOFIEV: Klaviersonate op. 1 Nr. 1
Suggestions Diabolic, Prélude op 12 Nr. 7, Toccata op 11
A. SKRIABINE: Sonate-Fanasy op. 19, Op 23 Nr. 3, No.5, Op.53,No.9, Op.68
Präludiums op 11, Op.16, Op. 27, Op 9, Etüden op. 8, piano pieces
Klaviersonate op 53, Fantasy in B minor op 28
S. RACHMANINOFF: Präludiums und Etüden
Piano Transcriptions, Piano Sonaten
C. DEBUSSY: Préludes livre I , II
Deux Arabesques, Estampes
Images I, II, Danse bohémienne
Pour le piano, Suite bergamasque, Danse, Images oubliées,Klavierstücke
R. STRAUSS: Piano Sonata op 5
M. RAVEL: Miroirs, Jeux d´eau, Sonatine, Le Tombeau de Couperin, La parade
M. PONCE: Piano pieces
Cuatro Danzas Mexicanas
Preludio y Fuga sobre un tema de J. S. Bach
Preludio y Fuga sobre un tema de Händel
Ballada mexicana, Intermezzo
Preludio y Fuga para la mano izquierda
A. Coplan: Suite Rodeo
E. d´Albert: Passacaglia c- moll, Piano Pieces
G. Enesco: Suite dans le Style Ancien op 3
O. Respighi: Piano Sonata in f, 3 Preludes, Antiche Sanze ed Arie, Six Pieces for solo Piano
A. Rubinstein: Stücke für Klavier
F. Poulanc: Mélancolie, Villageoises, Trois Mouvements perpétuels
H. Schröter: Variationen und Fuge über ein Thema von Max Reger op. 6
Max Reger: Variationen und Fuge über ein Thema von J.S. Bach, Variationen und Fuge über einThema von Telemann
M. Clementi: Klaviersonate op 40 Nr. 3
M. Falla: Danse Ritualle du feu
E. Granados: Goyescas, Escenas Romanticas, Allegro de Concierto op 46, Capricho Espanol, op 39, 12 Danzas Espanolas, Escenas Poéticas, 6 Pieces on Spanish Folksongs
M. Balakirew: Islamei, Piano Sonata, Nocturne Nr. 3, Scherzo Nr. 2, Spanische Melodie,
Spanische Serenade, Walzer-Capriccios of Taneyev
C. M. von Weber: Piano pieces, Klaviersonate C-dur op 24
G. Rossini: Piano Pieces, Opern Overtüren for Piano
J. N. Hummel: Piano Pieces, Klaviersonaten, Transcriptions
C. Löwe: Biblische Bilder op 96
F. Mendelssohn: Klavierstücke
C. Czerny: Introducion, Variations brillantes et Rondo de Chasse op 202
A. Dvorák: Piano Pieces
S. Thalberg: Opern Transcriptions, Piano Pieces
D. Shostakovich: 24 Preludes and Fugues
I. Moscheles:Fantaisie Dramatique, La Forza op 51, Allegro di Bravura
G. Onslow: Toccata op 6, Variations sur la Romance op 12
F. Burgmüller: Pharsalia op 89, Rêveries fantastiques, 12 morceaux Faciles et Brillants
J. Marx: Sechs Stücke für Klavier Solo
C. Franck: Ballade, Danse lente, Les eolides, Premier Grand Caprice, Prélude, Fugue et Variation
L. M. Gottschalk: Piano Pieces
F. Ries: Fantasie Nr. 3 on Themes from Mozart´s “Le Nozze de Figaro” op 77
Cécil Chaminade: Piano pieces
Part 5.-
Pianos Concertos, Trios, Quartets,Quintets
J. S. Bach: BWV 1060 C-moll Nr. 1, BWV 1060 C- Dur Nr. 2, BWV 1060 für zwei Klaviere in c-moll
W. A. Mozart: KV. 413 Nr. 11, KV. 414 Nr. 12, KV. 453 Nr. 17, KV. 466 Nr. 20, KV. 467 Nr. 21, KV. 503 Nr. 25, KV. 365 zwei Klaviere, Rondo KV. 386
L. van Beethoven:, Concerto Op 37 Nr. 3, Rondo für Klavier und Orchester, Concerto in C major Op 56 for Violin, Cello, Piano & Orchestra, Fantasie für Klavier, Chor und Orchester c- moll op 80
F. Liszt: Phantasie über Ungarische Volkmelodien, Klavierkonzert Nr. 1, Totentanz für Klavier und Orchester
R. Schumann: Introduzione ed Allegro appassionato Konzertstück op 92
R. Strauss: Burlesque
D. Schostakovich: Piano concerto Nr. 2 op 102
M. Bruch: Konzert für zwei Klaviere und Orchester op 88a
A. Dvorák: Klavierkonzert op 33
C. M. von Weber: Klavierkonzert Nr. 1 op 11, Klavierkonzert Nr. 2 op 32, Konzertstück op 79
J. Brahms: Klavierkonzert Nr. 1
C. Franck: Concerto Nr. 2 op 11, Variations brillantes for piano & orchestra
J. N. Hummel: Klavierkonzert op 85, Klavierkonzert op 89, Konzert für Geige, Klavier und Orchester op 17
F. Chopin: Klavierkonzert e- moll Nr. 1 op 11, Variations on “Là ci darem la mano” from Mozart´s Don Giovanni op. 2, Fantasia on Polish Airs. Op 13, Krakowiak op. 14
F. Mendelssohn: Capriccio brillante op 22, Duo Concertant pour deux pianos avec Orchestre
E. R. Blanchet: Ballade Op 57 sol minore for piano & orchestra
J. Marx: Klavierkonzert Nr. 1 E- dur, Klavierkonzert Nr. 2 Es- dur
I. Moscheles: Klavierkonzert Nr. 3 g- moll op 58
M. Balakirev: Grand Fantasy on Russian Folksongs op 4, Piano Concerto Nr. 1 in F- sharp minor ,Piano concerto Nr. 2 in E- flat major
O. Respighi: Concerto in modo misolidio, Toccata
F. Busoni: Piano Concerto op 39
E. W. Korngold: Klavierkonzert für die linke Hand op 17
S. Thalberg: Piano Concerto op 5
F. Ries: Piano Concertos Nr. 3 & 4
E. d´Albert: Piano Concerto Nr. 1 op 2
Improvement of piano repertoire with the professors: Philippe Entremont and Dominique Merlet, Paris- France. Jeremy Menuhin,London- England. Paul Maillet,Baltimore- USA. Malcom Frager, New York -USA.Friedrich Wilhelm Schnurr, Detmold-Germany. Karmierz Gierzod, Warsaw-Poland
Montag, 30. Mai 2016
Välkommen till Göteborgs Pianofestival!
Welcome to Gothenburg Piano Festival!
16-21 augusti 2016
Tack till er, publiken som närvarade festivalen 2015!
Välkommen till årets pianofestival 2016!
Nu kan du anmäla dig som är mellan 6-19 år för den yngre kategorin och folk-högskolenivå i den äldre kategorin till masterclass och maratonkonserten.
Vi har glädjen att meddela att vi delar ut fyra stycken uppmuntran-priser till unga pianister på 1.500 kr som sponsras av Steinway & Sons. En bedömningspanel kommer närvara maratonkonserten. Gå till länken "Anmälan 2016".
For the English version, click above.
The application form is now open for students to apply for masterclass and concert.
Välkommen till årets pianofestival 2016!
Nu kan du anmäla dig som är mellan 6-19 år för den yngre kategorin och folk-högskolenivå i den äldre kategorin till masterclass och maratonkonserten.
Vi har glädjen att meddela att vi delar ut fyra stycken uppmuntran-priser till unga pianister på 1.500 kr som sponsras av Steinway & Sons. En bedömningspanel kommer närvara maratonkonserten. Gå till länken "Anmälan 2016".
For the English version, click above.
The application form is now open for students to apply for masterclass and concert.
Montag, 23. Mai 2016
Talent Music Summer Courses & Festival
From the 3rd to the 17th of July 2016, in the beautiful setting of the academy in Brescia, the first edition of the Talent Music Summer Courses & Festival will take place organized by the international music academy “Talent Music Master Courses”.
is the two-fold spirit: Academy and Festival. Students are offered
teaching by world famous musicians and will have valuable opportunities
for performance. The students will have the opportunity to play in 9
“Academic Concerts” during the Talent Music Summer Courses &
Festival. The best selected students will perform in three special
concerts organized in collaboration with the Foundation of the Teatro
Grande of Brescia at the prestigious Teatro Grande.
Festival of the Academy is very important because the teachers and
especially the best students can perform in a very prestigious context.
During the fifteen days Talent Music Master Courses professors will be
participating, as well as several guest professors.
Piano: Fabio Bidini, Andrea Bonatta, Oleg Marshev, John O’Conor, Sergej Osadchuk, Dina Yoffe;
Harp: Fabrice Pierre;
Violin: Skerdjano Keraj, David Lefèvre, Michael Vaiman, Alexandre Vinnitski;
Viola: Pierre-Henri Xuereb;
Cello: Lluís Claret, Maria Kliegel;
If you are interested in this special opportunity, please visit www<dot> talentsummercourses<dot>it and apply within May 30, 2016. We would appreciate a video clip or a Youtube link attached to your application.
can be easily reached by train or by plain and is connected by shuttle
with the airport of Bergamo Orio al Serio. Other near airports are
Verona, Treviso and Milano.
With best regards,
Talent Music Summer Courses&Festival
Dienstag, 3. Mai 2016
La Casa de Kamna - International Music Master Classes: Mednarodni glasbeni mojstrski tečaj - Internationa...
La Casa de Kamna - International Music Master Classes: Mednarodni glasbeni mojstrski tečaj - Internationa...: Prof. Ruben Dalibaltayan - piano 27.4.2016 - 1.5.2016 Radovljica - Slovenija Glasbena šola, Linhartov Trg 1 Ruben Da...
Dienstag, 12. April 2016
AUDIMozart! 2016 - Concorso Internazionale per strumenti a fiato - 8° edizione
AUDIMozart! 2016 - Concorso Internazionale per strumenti a fiato - 8° edizione
Rovereto (TN), 14-28 maggio 2016 |
Donnerstag, 24. März 2016
Dublin International Piano Festival |
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