Elizabeth Arenas
Montag, 14. Oktober 2024
Samstag, 13. April 2024
Sonntag, 10. März 2024
Samstag, 21. Oktober 2023
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Donnerstag, 11. Mai 2023
3.09 - 10.09.2023 |
Korzó Music Hall Szeged (Hungary) |
The 1st International Ferenc Fricsay Conducting Competition (IFFCC) is open to applicants of all nationalities without age limits. The choice of repertoire is free: when applying to the IFFCC, all applicants will be required to choose ONE piece for every round of the IFFCC from the list on MUVAC → shorturl.at/ipDS5. |
Evaluation of videos and CVs submitted by the applicants by the jury. All applicants are required to submit 2 videos. APPLICATION FEE: 100 EUR. DEADLINE for applications: 1st of June, 2023. All applications (along with CVs and videos) must be submitted via the MUVAC platform → shorturl.at/ipDS5. |
FOUR competition rounds in Szeged. All participants advancing to the LIVE PHASE (1st round) will be listed on all web sources of the IFFCC on the 1st of JULY, 2023. The PARTICIPATION FEE of 400 EUR. will be required to advance to the 1st Round. During the LIVE PHASE, all participants will conduct the Hungarian National Symphony Orchestra Szeged in front of the jury. |
President of the Jury Music Director: Royal Philharmonic Orchestra London |
(HU) Music Director: Hungarian National Symphony Orchestra Szeged |
Winner: ECHO KLASSIK 2017 |
(BG) Music Director: Bulgarian National Radio Symphony Orchestra |
Principal Conductor: Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Mainz |
1st PRIZE Official Diploma Guest conducting engagements (concerts) with the:
2nd PRIZE Official Diploma Guest conducting engagements (concerts) with the:
3rd PRIZE Official Diploma Guest conducting engagements (concerts) with the:
FIRST ROUND September 3rd - 7th, 2023 (Korzó Music Hall, Szeged)
2 orchestra sessions each day. Podium time per participant: |
SECOND ROUND September 8th, 2023 (Korzó Music Hall, Szeged) 2 orchestra sessions each day.
Number of participants: 16. Podium time per participant: |
THIRD ROUND (SEMI FINAL) September 9th, 2023 (Korzó Music Hall, Szeged) 2 orchestra sessions each day.
Number of participants: 8. Podium time per participant: |
FOURTH ROUND (FINAL) September 10th, 2023 (Korzó Music Hall, Szeged) Orchestra session, announcement of winners.
Number of participants: 4. Podium time per participant: |
Hungarian National Symphony Orchestra Szeged |
As the most significant music institution in Southeast Hungary, the Hungarian National Symphony Orchestra Szeged is also one of the largest in the region. The ensemble has been led by a number of devoted principal conductors including the young Ferenc Fricsay who brought the orchestra into its present position as one of the leading orchestras in Hungary. |
2 videos (please do not provide more) will be evaluated by the jury committee during the ELIMINATION PHASE in order to choose applicants who will advance to the 1st round of the LIVE PHASE OF THE IFFCC. |
The videos of all applicants MUST
with the Hungarian National Symphony Orchestra Szeged |
3.09 - 10.09.2023 | Sala de Música de Korzó Szeged (Hungría) |
El 1er Concurso Internacional de Dirección de Ferenc Fricsay (IFFCC) está abierto a solicitantes de todas las nacionalidades sin límite de edad. La elección del repertorio es libre: al postularse para la IFFCC, todos los solicitantes deberán elegir UNA pieza para cada ronda de la IFFCC de la lista en MUVAC → shorturl.at/ipDS5 . |
Evaluación de los videos y CV presentados por los postulantes por parte del jurado. Todos los solicitantes deben enviar 2 videos. CUOTA DE SOLICITUD: 100 EUR. FECHA LÍMITE de solicitudes: 1 de junio de 2023. Todas las solicitudes (junto con CV y videos) deben enviarse a través de la plataforma MUVAC → shorturl.at/ipDS5 . |
CUATRO rondas de competición en Szeged. Todos los participantes que avancen a la FASE EN VIVO (primera ronda) se incluirán en todas las fuentes web de la IFFCC el 1 de julio de 2023. La CUOTA DE PARTICIPACIÓN de 400 EUR. será requerido para avanzar a la 1ra Ronda. Durante la FASE EN VIVO, todos los participantes dirigirán la Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional Húngara Szeged frente al jurado. |
presidente del jurado Director musical: Orquesta Filarmónica Real de Londres | (HU) Director musical: Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional Húngara Szeged |
Ganador: ECHO KLASSIK 2017 | (BG) Director musical: Orquesta Sinfónica de la Radio Nacional de Bulgaria |
Director Titular: Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Mainz |
1er PREMIO Diploma Oficial Invitados realizando compromisos (conciertos) con:
2º PREMIO Diploma Oficial Invitados realizando compromisos (conciertos) con:
3er PREMIO Diploma Oficial Invitados realizando compromisos (conciertos) con:
PRIMERA RONDA 3 - 7 de septiembre de 2023 (Korzó Music Hall, Szeged) 2 sesiones de orquesta cada día. Tiempo de podio por participante: |
SEGUNDA RONDA 8 de septiembre de 2023 (Korzó Music Hall, Szeged) 2 sesiones de orquesta cada día. Número de participantes: 16. Tiempo de podio por participante: |
TERCERA RONDA (SEMIFINAL) 9 de septiembre de 2023 (Korzó Music Hall, Szeged) 2 sesiones de orquesta cada día. Número de participantes: 8. Tiempo de podio por participante: |
CUARTA RONDA (FINAL) 10 de septiembre de 2023 (Korzó Music Hall, Szeged) Sesión de orquesta, anuncio de ganadores. Número de participantes: 4. Tiempo de podio por participante: |
nacional húngaro Orquesta Sinfónica tallado |
Como la institución musical más importante del sureste de Hungría, la Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional Húngara Szeged es también una de las más importantes de la región. El conjunto ha sido dirigido por varios directores principales dedicados, incluido el joven Ferenc Fricsay, quien llevó a la orquesta a su posición actual como una de las principales orquestas de Hungría. |
2 videos (no proporcione más) serán evaluados por el comité del jurado durante la FASE DE ELIMINACIÓN para elegir a los solicitantes que avanzarán a la 1ra ronda de la FASE EN VIVO DE LA IFFCC. |
Los videos de todos los solicitantes DEBEN
| | |
con el nacional húngaro Orquesta Sinfónica Szeged |
Freitag, 24. März 2023
Researchers find something explosive in Beethoven's DNA
Hair locks analyzed
Researchers find something explosive in Beethoven's DNA
Researchers have found out more about the composer's health - and uncovered a possible fling in the lineage.
An international team of researchers with German participation has used DNA analyzes to gain new insights into the health of composer Ludwig van Beethoven, who struggled with severe physical illnesses throughout his life. As reported by the Bonn University Hospital involved in the investigations, the Bonn Beethoven House and the Leipzig Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, genetic risk factors for liver disease and evidence of hepatitis B infection were discovered.
From the DNA tests of various hair samples, however, no genetic cause could be determined for Beethoven's notorious deafness and the gastrointestinal problems that tormented him, as the institutions announced. The composer, who lived from 1770 to 1827, had gradually lost his ability to hear by his mid to late 20s and was effectively deaf around nine years before his death. It is also known that he suffered from severe chronic gastrointestinal problems and liver disease.
High alcohol consumption
According to the Bonn and Leipzig scientists, a severe liver disease is also the cause of Beethoven's death at the age of only 56. Liver cirrhosis has long been considered the most likely cause. It is known from historical sources that he drank alcohol regularly and over a longer period of time in amounts that are harmful from today's perspective. However, there is a lack of clarity about Beethoven's state of health and cause of death, because his doctor's notes have never been found.
The researchers, whose study was published in the journal "Current Biology", see this alcohol consumption in connection with the genetic risk factors for liver disease they discovered as a possible explanation for his liver cirrhosis. The hepatitis B infection, which, according to their analyses, Beethoven contracted in the months before his death at the latest, could have made the situation significantly worse.
They suspect that this infection, combined with alcohol consumption and genetic predisposition, may have led to progressive liver failure and ultimately to the death of the world-famous artist. "We cannot say with certainty what Beethoven died of, but we can at least now prove the existence of a significant hereditary risk of liver cirrhosis and infection with the hepatitis B virus," explained Johannes Krause from the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig .
Some hair samples did not belong to the composer
The investigations are based on DNA analyzes of a total of eight locks of hair from public and private collections that are attributed to the composer. However, at least two of them do not come from Beethoven - including the famous "Hiller lock", which a 15-year-old musician named Ferdinand Hiller allegedly once cut from Beethoven's head. It had been analyzed earlier and had provided evidence of possible lead poisoning. However, it does come from a woman.
The research team, which also included experts from institutions in the USA, Great Britain and Belgium, identified five hair samples as authentic and used them for further investigations. They are all from the same man. A comparison also revealed a close proximity to the DNA profile of people from North Rhine-Westphalia. This coincides with the reliable information on the origin of Beethoven's ancestors.
infidelity in the family?
The experts also discovered a small surprise when they analyzed the DNA profile of Beethoven's living descendants in Belgium. Their Y chromosomes do not match those from the five hair samples. According to the scientists, this can probably be explained by at least one extramarital affair in Beethoven's direct paternal line of descent. However, the timing is unclear.
A period of time can only roughly be given for this, which extends from about the year 1572 to the conception of the composer almost 200 years later. This is interesting because in the absence of a baptismal entry, doubts about the paternity of Beethoven's father were already expressed earlier. However, the results that have now been published do not allow any conclusions to be drawn as to the generation before Beethoven's birth in which the infidelity happened.